Tribal Celtic Tattoos

Tribal Celtic Tattoos

The most important thing to remember when looking for tribal Celtic tattoo designs is to avoid the search engines. This may seem strange at first, but is makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

The reason is that search engines were built to organise information, not images or tattoo designs. So when you do a search for Tribal Celtic tattoos if Google or Yahoo you are going to get lots of information about them but very few actual designs. And even the designs that you do get are likely to be cookie cutter rubbish because the page was shown to you by the search engine because of the information surrounding the image, not the actual tattoo artwork itself.

In case some of you are thinking, why can't I just use Google or Yahoo image search? The answer is, you can, but only if you don't mind having the exact same Tribal Celtic Tattoo as everyone else who had the same idea of searching for them using image search because the search engines throw up the same images over and over again.

So am I saying that the internet isn't a good place to find Tribal Celtic Tattoo designs? Most certainly not! There are tons of great, original and creative tattoo designs out there on the internet, you just have to know where to look.


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